Future Ancestors

Know your piko, find your passion, and live your purpose.
This program builds Future Ancestors by focusing on inspiring, empowering, and activating students to amplify traditional knowledge and practices through the use of contemporary technologies and innovation. The Future Ancestors Program was designed to engage students in the exploration of their own community in search of Waiwai (Value and Richness). These learning experiences lay the foundation for future explorations into Indigenous Innovation and Entrepreneurship that are built around Native Hawaiian values and perspectives.
Program components
Purple Mai'a Entrepreneur Pathway Skills:
Purple Mai’a has done extensive research and work in the Entrepreneurial space here in Hawaii and used this experience to identify the skills that are key to developing an Entrepreneurial Mindset. These skills will be integrated into the Summer Sprint to give students a basic understanding of what it takes to be an entrepreneur.
Guest Speakers and Huaka'i to Community Spaces and Wahi Pana:
The Summer Sprint is not just about building entrepreneurs. We believe that the next generation of entrepreneurs need to understand creating value (Waiwai) from a community and cultural context. This program will give them a chance to learn from the people and places of their community. By being in community their ideas and innovations will be of the community. These are the indigidous innovators that will lead us into the future.
Exposure to S.T.R.Ē.Ā.M (Science, Technology, Research, Engineering, Entrepreneurship, Art, 'Āina and Math) Learning Experiences:
Yes this is a long acronym with many pieces to it but to summarize Purple Mai’a believes that our learning experiences need to be connected and integrated using all parts of the brain and opening up multiple entry points to student success. We donʻt do things in isolation but rather in connection which enables each student to use their strengths and passions to engage and learn with and from the world around them.
Hō'ike Presentations:
Culturally, Hō’ike has always been an important part of learning for Hawaiians. It is a public acknowledgement of your skill and growth and brings with it a strong sense of Kuleana (Responsibility). Each student in the Summer Program will get a chance to be a part of this display and celebration of learning. It tells each of our students that what you have been doing for the last five weeks of your life matters to the people in your family and community.