Eahou S.T.R.E.A.M.

Eahou S.T.R.Ē.Ā.M -
(Science, Technology, Research, Engineering, Entrepreneurship, Art, ʻĀina and Math)
Eahou means taking in a breath of fresh air to breathe new life into our world. Eahou S.T.R.Ē.Ā.M is an educational concept that challenges us to integrate and innovate S.T.R.Ē.Ā.M learning experiences that bring new life into Hawaiiʻs educational ecosystem. We believe that our keiki and community can accomplish this through learning and doing (k)new stuff: ʻike kupuna and aloha ʻāina, amplified by cutting edge technology, innovation and computer science practices.
This is our Eahou STREAM!
Within our program, there are different “streams” that haumana can choose to explore. Keiki may take classes in one or all topics depending on their interests and location!

Kiaʻi K.AI Studio
Kiaʻi Kai Studios inspires youth to connect with the ocean and teaches them how we can create and use technologies to explore and protect it. Through collaborations with leading community partners in the field of ocean culture, science, exploration, and technology, Kiaʻi Kai Studios will leverage kilo kit technologies and advanced artificial intelligence (AI) and extended reality (XR) capabilities to explore, connect, care for, and share stories about our ocean and the Hawaiian relationship to Kanaloa.

Waiw.AI Studio
Waiw.AI Studios is a community production studio utilizing emerging technologies to proliferate moʻolelo of the past, present and future through game development, filmmaking and immersive media

Kīpuka.io is a living classroom on the island of Lānaʻi that weaves together tech-driven innovation and traditional cultural practices to optimize and accelerate a return to regenerative agriculture and food sovereignty. Immersed in tradition and empowered by tools of the present, youth at Kīpuka.io co-create abundant futures for Hawaiʻi.