Purple Portfolio

Ha‘a & Co. LLC

Fashion & Beauty

Nostalgic Scents of Hawaiʻi by Haʻa & Co is a home and body fragrance line specializing in the natural aroma of Hawaiʻi’s beloved flowers.

Mālama Hulē‘ia

Food Systems

Malama Huleia is an aina and community based nonprofit restoring the Huleia River ecosystem and Alakoko fishpond through education and volunteer opportunities.

Papamū Inc


Papamū Inc is a native Hawaiian business focusing on ancient Hawaiian strategy games known as Kōnane. More than just a game, Kōnane was a teaching tool for some of the most outstanding leaders in Hawaiian history for resource management. Our business provides education and products to take Kōnane in the classroom, boardroom, and dining room.

ʻĀina Organics

Food Systems

Offering a range of cbd skincare products from balms, body oil & soap. Cbd is locally grown and processed on the island of Kaua’i.